A Twittastic Twitter Experience

You may have noticed that the Coalition is on a bit of a “social media” kick. Between our new blog, Facebook page, and Twitter account, we are finding fresh ways to connect with our community – and we have loved getting to know you! This week, something special happened on Twitter, and we just had to share. (If you aren’t familiar with Twitter yet, visit here for a description.)

On Tuesday, cfl_homeless (that’s us) sent the following tweet out to our followers:

“We need blankets to offer to the men, women and children at our shelter – can you help? Drop offs at our main campus – tweet back for info!”

This is the first time we’ve asked our Twitter friends to go from raising awareness about homelessness to actually acting on their concern for their neighbors in need. And we were totally unprepared for the warm response we received! Our message was retweeted and talked about by dozens of Tweeple (Twitter users). Blankets have been pouring in and we are getting calls of more on the way. Of course, news stations like Central Florida News 13 (on Twitter @CFNEWS13) also had something to do with this; they repeated our need to their broadcast audience. 

The Coalition has declared a number of Cold Nights so far this season; fourteen so far, up from a total of seven last year. The blanket donations we have received will help ensure that our clients stay warm even in the midst of frigid temperatures.

Special thanks to the following Tweeple who helped us spread the message: @kimberanna_com, @zengrrl, @brianfeldman, @Nomsa, @CHSHeather, @mikeforjesus, @soorya, @modernmami, @stoncray, @elilicious, @BrittanyWard, @jamielynndirect, @Joi_the_Artist, @joitheartist, @Mokey, @jamespero, @ElizabethB, @etanowitz, @markkrupinski, @jenvargas, @klt_CandP and @capturethegreen.

Thanks to everyone who has donated to the Coalition; you have consistently proven that the Central Florida community truly cares for their neighbors in need.

If you want to connect with the Coalition on-line, visit:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/cfl_homeless
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/CFL-HomelessFacebook